HR SWISS Webinar HR shaping the new future with European Association for Personnel Management EAPM

Dear HR Swiss Members

This year we are joining forces with the European Association for Personnel Management EAPM to offer two webinars to our members on International HR Day, May 20,2022. 

Aligning with the theme for International HR Day, ‘HR shaping the new future,’ the topic for the EAPM Virtual event at

9:30-10:50 am is ‘New world? New jobs and new Leadership.’  The guest speaker is Paolo Gallo

12:00-13:00 pm,the HR Swiss event: 'Talent Acquisition at the ICRC; Humanitarians at the forefront of Technology' 

Our guest speakers will be Audrey Fonteneau, Head of Global Talent Management a.i.and Virginia Malembe, Head of Talent Attraction

See below for details and registration for both webinars.

Paolo Gallo is a ‘Futurist and recognized Global Expert in Human Capital, Future of Work, Leadership 4.0, Energy Management and is ICF certified Executive Coach.’ Paolo’s education and experience is truly impressive, and we are thoroughly looking forward to him sharing his knowledge and expertise with the EAPM community.

Register for this session here: International HR Day 2022 webinar  

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and armed violence. It takes action in response to emergencies and at the same time promotes respect for international humanitarian law. It is an independent and neutral organization, and its mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

Winner of the 2021 Swiss Digital HR Award, the ICRC's Talent Attraction & Acquisition department has rethought and transformed its global approach and toolkit to be able to attract and recruit, the ICRC main assets: the hundreds of generalist and specialist profiles required each year

Audrey Fonteneau, Head of Global Talent Management a.i. and Virginia Malembe, Head of Talent Attraction will be telling us about this fascinating journey and will answer your questions.

 This webinar is free and exceptionally open to all. You must however register here:

These two webinars have been organised as part of a range of activities taking place across the world in relation to International HR Day. The day itself provides an opportunity to join in an international celebration of all the hardworking HR and people professionals around the world, it provides recognition for the profession and the positive impact on individuals, organizations and society. It is also an opportunity to connect with other HR professionals, sharing experiences and good practice. See for more information.

I'm looking forward to joining these events with you!

Jessica Silberman Dunant


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HR Swiss
Schweizerischer HR-Verband
Thunstrasse 82, Postfach 1009
CH-3000 Bern 6

+41 31 356 21 21

Le 20 Mai 2022 09:30
HR SWISS Webinar HR shaping the new future with European Association for Personnel Management EAPM