HR Swiss Webinar - Using AI to Increase Employee Satisfaction and Reduce Turnover

Evénement organisé par HR SWISS avec comme invité l'éminent Peter A. Gloor qui présentera concrètement quelles utilisations sont aujourd'hui possibles de l'IA et de la data dans le monde RH. La conférence sera en anglais. 

“Using AI to Increase Employee Satisfaction and Reduce Turnover”

Technological progress is bringing more and more opportunities into our professional lives. Today we take a look into the future. Peter A. Gloor shows us what is already possible today with data analysis in the HR world. Even though data protection regulations in Europe are a bit stricter than in other regions of the world, we should look at current HR trends.

Peter A. Gloor is a Research Scientist at the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT’s Sloan School of Management where he leads a project exploring Collaborative Innovation Networks (COIN).

Lieu: Webinar

Horaire: 16.00-17.00

Prix: gratuit


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Le 01 Septembre 2021 16:00
HR Swiss Webinar - Using AI to Increase Employee Satisfaction and Reduce Turnover


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